Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wiewiórka Burunduk Syberyjska

Appeal for the protection of minorities and Serbian Orthodox monasteries in Kosovo and Metohija The Scream

The announced drastic reduction of KFOR contingent (including the projected decline of the Italian contingent of two thousand five hundred units), implemented in response to calls for greater U.S. engagement in the war in Afghanistan, is likely to further fuel the drama that has more than a decade living populations of Kosovo and Metohija, that this would be seen abandoned to their fate.

Concerned about the fate of the Serbian villages that more than ten years have been living under police protection, isolated, ghettoized, threatened by violent extremists and terrorism former KLA in power today ... worried about the fate of Orthodox monasteries, cultural heritage of all mankind, whose destruction was attempted and made the total loss of about 150 monasteries in the area ... with the real possibility that an entire people , who for centuries lived in Kosovo and Metohija disappears permanently from their land, we call:

personalities of politics, culture, art and all associations of militant pacifism, which for years have undertaken to restore the historical truth of what happened in the former Yugoslavia and in Kosovo and Metohija, in total contradiction with quanti hanno di fatto cooperato al distacco definitivo del Kosovo dalla Serbia e della comunità serba dal Kosovo, affinché:

- di fronte alla situazione venutasi a creare in questi anni nel Kosovo e Metohija, di fatto controllato e governato da clan malavitosi retti da ex criminali di guerra che hanno impedito lo sviluppo di ogni possibilità di dialogo fra le parti in causa, l’Italia faccia un passo indietro e si pronunci contro la proclamazione unilaterale di indipendenza del Kosovo, in questi giorni in discussione presso la Corte di Giustizia internazionale;

- si denunci con forza che in questo momento storico, senza che si siano realizzate le condizioni minime e sufficienti a preparare il terreno per un ritiro totale delle truppe, la drastica diminuzione del contingente italiano in Kosovo e Metohija, posto a garanzia della minoranza serba e dei monasteri Ortodossi, abbandonerà a se stesse tutte le realtà “resistenti” nella regione, fatte di villaggi abitati da serbi e poche altre etnie (compresi quegli albanesi non collusi con mafia e terrorismo), da monasteri e cimiteri ortodossi, patrimonio culturale e artistico dell’umanità;

- si lavori affinché tutte le parti in gioco nel Kosovo, comprese le confessioni religiose, tornino a recitare their fundamental role in enforcement of all;

- you get to the establishment of an international commission to verify the status of property abandoned by fleeing Serbs, and then proceed to the return of assets refugees, because they can repossess it, exposing who he is illegally possessed.

All this because you can return the territory of Kosovo and Metohija to all those who have always lived together in that area.

In our view, Italy's role will be crucial to return, as it was for the unfortunate choice of armed intervention. And, for once, we agree.

(for accessions: http://www. / sustain / petizione.php )

first signatories the appeal: A Bridge to ... Association; Campagnano Lydia, Marco Santopadre (Director Radio Open City), Riccardo Pilate (Zastava Brescia), Matteo Calamandrei; Bruno Maran (Padova), Ivan Pavicevac (radio editor "Voice of Yugoslavia"); Milca Ostojic (corresponding Serbian press), and Chiara Alessandra Di Giorgio, Giuseppe Stefano Magni, Stefano Wand (elementary teacher), prof. George Barone-Adhesive (Faculty of Law University Catanzaro); Cristina Garrett (architect), Paul Salvi (A Bridge to ...)...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Heel Spurs Treatment More Condition_symptoms

not tell you, this time, mission, initiatives, projects or plans, such as the cooperation of professionals who know how to call in recent years we have developed among the forgotten people of Serbia. And I will not do relationships. This time no.
Besides, what's to tell? We met
dignity and despair, negli occhi di persone che non sanno più come andare avanti, rabbia e impotenza, negli occhi di chi si batte contro ingiustizie e malattie, vigliacche come le bombe che cadevano dalle nuvole, invisibili quanto gli assassini che le hanno sganciate. Vite che vanno comunque avanti, anche senza un perchè.
E non sembrano esserci più perchè a cui rispondere, oggi. In Kosovo, in Serbia, ovunque.

Il perché di una guerra, che ha regalato storia, arte, cultura, vite umane a mafie e narcotrafficanti, oggi al potere nel Kosovo. E ha consentito l’orribile traffico di organi, espiantati ai tanti serbi fatti sparire nel nulla dal terrorismo Uck, mesi, anni prima della guerra "Humanitarian" and for which there will never be justice.

So tell the back, because of fatigue, loneliness, crisis and stifled tears.
For the slender, petite, furtive as a shadow in the darkness of the monastery of Gracanica, which was coming towards me. As the souls of purgatory, we met again, in that dark, q uella
loneliness ... "We ste Irina Sestriere? "-" Sister Irina You? "
" From "," Yes, "was her and she remembered our first meeting, four years ago, when Irina told me of his periodic visits and under escort, to the few who survived the pogrom of the Serbian villages in March 2004, villages in which they carry out his profession as a pediatrician, caring for and assisting children.
The face is no longer the same, the fresh and alive at the time. Even my no longer is.
" Zima " advances on the faces, stones, roads, unreliable realm of ambiguous and nervous passers-by, who stop off at a cafe. Gračanica night.
" Winter" progresses, whitening destinies and leaves you just want to cry inside.
For all those places that, far from Gracanica, in danger of disappearing forever. To tutte le suor Irina che rischiano di non avere futuro nel loro Kosovo e Metohija, da sempre la loro terra, la terra dei monasteri.
Quei soldati davanti l’ingresso del monastero presto se ne andranno. E se non lo faranno loro, lo faranno gli altri, schierati oggi a salvaguardia dei pochi serbi rimasti a vivere, isolati e ghettizzati, nei propri villaggi, mezzo distrutti accanto ai cimiteri dei propri cari.
Lanceremo un appello, fatto di parole, ponderate ed equilibrate, perché tanti possano sottoscriverlo e aderire a quel grido di disperazione e paura che, però, TUTTI!, dovremo urlare al mondo, unendoci a quell’albero, bruciato fin nelle radici ma che Boško ha portato in salvo, strappandolo al Kosovo and Metohija " released, making sculptures Simba ol all the pain and despair of a people humiliated, disemboweled, poisoned, cheated. Shout
launched for all that human, cultural, artistic, risk extinction, but also to that shadow, I can not take away from the eyes and mind ... advancing shadow, in darkness and solitude of a monastery, one of many , but off the beautiful, isolated and dark, protected by military ignorant and distant, dissonant and unacceptable.
That shadow, a symbol of all the others that the Kosovo swallows, for years, amid general indifference.
No, excuse me, but I can not see or hear more, today, if not that dark and lonely ... no one else but the great desire that you choke the throat, crazy heart, flooding the eyes ... fear of death, with all this .

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Wiewiórka Burunduk Syberyjski

Kosovo Kosovo and Metohija, the fire alarm!

The alarm is tripped.
Nato, landlady of the foreign policy of many countries, including ours, Italy, whether Berlusconi, Fini, Prodi and D'Alema, mustering. We need more troops in Afghanistan and, despite the desperate call for Obama to Michael Moore, you will see that they send. Only that Italy will take mainly from Kosovo, now in full sell-off, which is being also dropped from Belgrade, once again fooled by a mess of pottage, like the forthcoming liberalization of visas, held in check d fear of spoiling relations with the European community.
will be useless, then, the next trip to Rome and Brussels Father Sava, the bishop of the Serbian Orthodox Church and director of Father Teodosije, Bishop of Decani, to request that the KFOR forces to protect their monasteries smobilitino not?
Without a strong and clear stance of those realities especially civil society groups not colluded with the division of funds, mainly from USA and Germany, sweeping the area with obvious intent to promote quell'associazionismo the activity of which in fact support the unilateral independence, proclaimed on time ... without taking a position of these realities that for years have undertaken to restore the historical truth of what happened in the former Yugoslavia and in Kosovo and Metohija, perhaps, will be useless.
Why all the monasteries and, consequently, the Serbian villages that still stand in Kosovo and Metohija, Kosovo and Metohija into the hands of war criminals, narcotr afficanti, former KLA mafia clan leaders will be left to their destiny.
Perhaps not the most famous, or as Dečani Gračanica or as the Pec Patriarchate, which may serve as a business in the future, even for Albanians, who will try to turn them into their cultural heritage, which, in fact, Albania has already tried to claim. But for smaller ones, miraculously survived the various anti-Serb pogroms, from June 1999 until today, through March 17, 2004, there is a serious risk of cancellation education and more comprehensive, also from memory.
It will not serve to defend the presence of EULEX, along with the families of the last remaining Serbs in the enclaves. Erecting and checking customs under the pretext of traffic criminals to Serbia, made the same request made useless by the Belgrade government to the International Court of Justice on the legality of the independence unilaterally proclaimed Kosovo in February 2008. The verdict seems to have written but in any case, the request will be reduced to a mere exercise in demagoguery. Unthinkable, in fact, you can actually go back returning Kosovo to Serbia. And those families risk being swept away and forever. A people, will be permanently removed from their land.
But the people we've become, we Italians, we can not become indignant most, if not in front of a television drama or a reality show?
beginning, prey to the lies of governments to time, put in place by the CIA-style maneuvers, Cossiga teaches!, Just go to reconsider its policy of low maneuvers to allow you to install a government of "left", to D'Alema in 1998, not to go to early elections, government and the protagonist in the war on Yugoslavia, both the grant and use for its air force bases for air attacks, as Aviano, where hundreds of people flocked to enjoy the spectacle of war live ... is taking home millions of people who took to the streets against "their government," an accomplice of the infamous attack on a sovereign country, that there attacked, and who scoffed at the Constitution ...
After, all agree in sending troops on a peacekeeping mission, the troops soon realized the deception dell'imbroglio, prendendo pian piano le parti dell’unica parte realmente colpita, i serbi!, la cui espulsione ha origine già ad inizio secolo, quando erano il 40% della popolazione di Kosovo e Metohija, ma che basterebbe riconsiderare, alla luce dei fatti accaduti, a partire dal 1981!...
Ora, dopo averli illusi della possibilità di resistere nella loro terra e in quella dei loro padri grazie alla nostra presenza militare, ammirata e apprezzata in questo decennio proprio da quei serbi che furono descritti come nemici, ora… abbandonandoli al loro destino, lasciandoli nel vuoto più assoluto, dove rischieranno di scomparire.
Tutto perché il padrone americano ha fatto un fischio. E’ iniziata la gara a chi dimostrerà, ancora una volta, di essere il più affidabile. Dini o La Russa, poco cambia.
In questo quadro viene da chiedere, provocatoriamente… possiamo affermare che ci resta difficile dissentire dai risultati del referendu m svizzero su “moschee e minareti”?
Se la comunità internazionale, infatti, si dovesse comportare sempre come nel Kosovo e Metohija…
avallando la mutilazione di un paese, la Serbia, di una delle sue parti più importanti, culla della propria civiltà…
avallando espulsione e pulizia etnica dei serbi, ma pure delle altre etnie minori, degli oppositori politici e non, anche albanesi (chi conosce la storia di Ibraj Musa, ex partigiano morto da few days, a refugee in his country, Yugoslavia defender and friend of all its peoples, but enemy KLA, which has nearly exterminated the family?) ...
endorsing the destruction of Orthodox churches and cemeteries, and cultural heritage of all mankind, after which the Serbs have tolerated, accepted, shared, always lived in Kosovo and Metohija with other ethnic groups and religions, allowing, therefore, the "building of new mosques and minarets," well ... there would be little to worry!
Then, given the presence of a strong Albanian Kosovar community in their territory, is to ask, always provocative ... but will not because the Swiss?