Thursday, December 30, 2010

Pokemon Resistance Chart

Muri e ripiegature agli inserti: Il cappotto.

would be useful and convenient, the insertion of doors and windows, automatic folding of the layers, do not believe it but with Revit Architecture this is not science fiction! Let's see a practical case: the coat. I start with a simple wall, formed by an inner layer of brick and the outer coat, on which I put a window.

As you can see the coat does not revolve around the opening formed by the insertion of the casing, a change is a must for the wall. In fact, simply set the parameter as Exterior Fold inserts.

now revolves around opening up the coat but not quite correctly. In fact, the layer stops approximately half-wall, but it should get close to the window.

The error, as obvious conclusion, but the software is not in the family of the window. The edited so as to affix the frame along a particular plane of reference or a reference "does not reference" with the flag enabled on wall closure.

Reloading the family changed ...

... et voila! Now the coat runs correctly!

Monday, December 27, 2010

# # I-catcher Console - Web Monitor

Programs Open to the dark night, with the ultimate prize ...

Evening program, those with prizes. Question ... What is the Golden Gala? Answer ... The Golden Gala athletics is an initiative promoted by the cones after the boycott of Western countries of the Moscow Olympics in 1980, the boycott caused by the invasion of Afghanistan by the USSR.
Without batting an eyelid, digest it all. Especially the absurd ...
And already, the USSR did not bring democracy! The democracy that has brought us, with pride devoted to his country in arms against Saddam (Iraq look at the corrupt, mafia, tyrannical, and violator of human rights today) ... or in defense of the Albanians in Kosovo against Milosevic despot! In arms in defense of those who were elected as the fathers of his country heroes such as Bill Clinton, Madeleine Albright, William Walker or the trafficker in human organs, harvested better if the Serbs, the current prime minister of free and independent Kosovo, Hashim Thaci ...
best wishes to all for a tough fight in 2011 (and true!) Against this crap.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Birthday Maxine Cartoons

Voices from the Silence - A gift

Dear friends, I read sometimes, or not at all, or always (with a special greeting to those who ... ever!), Here is my gift for the Christmas holidays year: a video shot two weeks ago, divided into 3 parts, on Serbia and Kosovo today, entitled: Voices from the Silence (

And yes, they are voices trying to emerge from the silence in which they were confined. They are the voices of the earthquake victims of Kraljevo, who must deal with an earthquake that did damage, and many, but of which we are interested in a few ... They are the voices of the forgotten, the Serbs seeking to return to Kosovo and Metohija, their land has always been the land of their ancestors, that of their roots ...

And finally, the voices of the Serbs who are resisting, in villages come riserve pellerossa, dove provano a costruire un futuro, difficile e contrastato, per i propri figli...

E poi, ci sono le nostre, di voci, quelle di chi si ostina a combattere contro i mulini a vento dell'oblìo e dell'indifferenza verso la storia di tante persone abbandonate a se stesse. Guardateveli, questi video: parlano di persone non molto lontane dalle nostre quotidianità che, spesso, ci fanno sentire immuni dalle tragedie e dalle sofferenze altrui, quasi che contino solo le nostre, a volte nemmeno tanto urgenti.

"Voci dal Silenzio" ( )...
prima parte: I terremotati di Kraljevo ... Serbia, dicembre 2010;
seconda part: Kosovo and Metohija, the return of Serb refugees;
third part: Serbs in Kosovo Villages ... History and Hope, solidarity and support.

And to help, remember, the book + documentary "The Scream of Kosovo"

And if, by your Christmas gifts will make something, we have some way to make excellent investments. The future.

Mental Depression More Condition_symptoms

... And the winners are ...

The Lighthouse is pleased to announce that the Winners of finger in the eye - 2010 are:

- for the "view": Brynja , Kópavogur (ICELAND) with " last look "

-section for the" feel "Carlos, Valencia (SPAIN) with" damages "

We applaud the winners of which will have the honor of getting to know this 'summer, and thank all the other talented participants who will fight for the chance to win the Italian course of two weeks the next year with a hilarious new contest!

Greetings and Happy Holidays

from all the staff of the Lighthouse

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Foot Pain More Condition_symptoms Outside


there where he lives, the earth is flat. She walks
pale, without stopping, towards the end of the world.
Once there was love, now there's more: he can not forgive and perdonarselo.
The water is freezing on top of her and the moon shines on the lake.
"My land will not give off," he thought.
The stars go down, it starts to snow and the lake freezes over: the wolves no longer have to drink.

when the sun melts the ice, comes a hunter and throws the gun into the water.

The sound the alarm from his sleep and swim to shore.

Around them, everything is still white.
He holds out his hand, she leaves the water. Here come the wolves, because they are thirsty.
Together they go to the east, and as they walk the fields are covered with red silk poppy petals.

the cock crows. She gets up opens the door and fold his sheep to the lake.

Adam Cork

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Kampa Easy Lock Flooring

Voices from the Silence - Voices from the Silence In the dark

do not know why, in this darkness that surrounds it, as I think of what I write of this journey, my eyes moist ... While
I find the heat of the usual places and winking, the daily struggle against time, which escapes granted, I think back to the tents ... A
men who wait ...
to those families at night mocked justice, deluded days of freedom ... A
eyes children, kept away by love, hate ... A
soldiers, transformed from human contact, but also by human knowledge, former enemies ... as accomplices in a mock terrorist-separatist, ethnic-raider, criminal and fascist svasticheggiante murderess, what difference does it hired or fanatic, then cleaned up in the ridiculous police from Kosovo ...
complicit in all this, those soldiers have become a deterrent to violence and comfortable security. For villages and monasteries.
For this, go away, leaving the Justice and Security "in the hands of the neo-Born-narco-state. How much will
justice those faces, so determined to live in their land?
And what security can make to the looks, the more courage to life?
are scary, so much determination and courage!
It's scary, that is not wanted to leave, that resist, at all costs, quell'attendere their rights. Denied, postponed, delayed, hidden, overwhelmingly ignored. And repressed.

They need to be alone, do not want contamination, the mono-ethnic population Kosovo's new "free and independent!
Free to oust the Serbs, has always been in those lands, independent of anyone, prey to gangs, underworld, the U.S. and NATO bases ... They are afraid of
Rade, now old man alone with his dogs, which offers rakija and smiles. Amari, loyal and sincere but ... They are afraid of
Sister Isidora, elderly nun Gorioć, waiting another day due to his faith, which has never abandoned the doubt ...
They are afraid of Anastasia, the little princess in her arms, hot and some of his mother ...
Yes, someone is afraid of the Serbs in Kosovo.
NATO bombing was not enough support in the diplomatic world's most impressive cheering ... potenti lobby americane a sostegno... propaganda globale e soldi, tanti… no, ancora non riescono a liberarsi dei serbi e dei loro simboli.
Come i monasteri, molti già distrutti, spesso più isolati dei villaggi, accerchiati dall’odio rancoroso e villano, in balia e vittime del revisionismo a orologeria, che ne vorrebbe la cancellazione dalla memoria.
Sono tornato a voi.
Quanto siamo simili, cocciuti di ideale, d’una convinzione, di un puntiglio!
Scopro perché amo la vostra esistenza, il vostro orgoglio, la vostra fierezza.
Il vostro testardo e invincibile fruire del tempo. A voi, a me, il tempo non sconfigge certezza. A voi, a me, il tempo non sconfigge idea. Rimaniamo così, even alone, if necessary. But without the compromise, he wants in exchange for his soul. We like, we recognized. We will remain stubborn. And invincible.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Motocross Birthday Cake

Conversione tra sistemi di coordinate

As a reminder to the students of the Emilia-Romagna region , and of course for my readers, list the steps to convert files . Dwg by one or more different coordinate systems to a new system with AutoCAD Map 3D : prepare the files by assigning the origin of coordinate system global (in the example in LATLONG boundaries and roads in North UTM32 WGS84).

also check the destination file third coordinate system according to my needs (eg. Boaga Gauss-West).

I associate then the two cards in this file such that I have assigned the two different coordinate systems.

launch from the task pane a fast view with zoom on maps associated with extension ...

... et voila, the two cards now sovrapppongono exactly! I just have to extract what I need with a query.


Digital Foto Club Coupon

Testi lungo un arco

One of the limitations very familiar to users of AutoCAD LT and linked to records is the inability to write a text along an arc, and not limitation in the older brother AutoCAD that thanks to the Express Tools, lets just do this stunt. How? I tell you now: draw a simple arc (note, it works exclusively on the arches, do not try to use it on the splines!) launching the appropriate command and select the arc along which to enter text.

the following screen will appear, to be filled at will.

The result is obvious. The funny thing is that changing the radius of the arc, the text will adjust accordingly.

A short (few months) I will begin to offer new post related to AutoCAD 2012 so stay tuned!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Special Words For A New Baby

The recent sham elections in Kosovo were won, with suspicion of fraud but this is the least ... of the Kosovar Albanian Prime Minister Hashim Tachi. He won the favor of just over 30 percent of voters who were less than half of those eligible. In this, the baby is narco-very similar to the great Western "democracies" who know do without the mass participation and when there are these massive turnout, as the student riots of these days, they are annoyed to the point respond with the only face, the "best" that the power seems to be able to show: red zones and Cellerini!
The day after his victory, however, this "defender of democratic rights", a great friend of Madeleine Albright (who is Albright? One who, by U.S. Secretary of State from 1997-2001, he said, of the beyond half a million Iraqi children died as a result of the ferocious embargo in Iraq was the victim in the 90's: It 's been a fair price to pay !)... but also a great friend of Bill Clinton, to whom he dedicated a bronze statue of 4 meters high in the center of Pristina ... who erected a statue of freedom on one of the largest hotels in Pristina, built on stolen land to the Serbs, a tribute George Bush (our D'Alema, bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, capogoverno of a coalition that was permitted by the Trustee of the CIA in Italy, Cossiga and pancake envy: he does not even have a dedicated street or a square) .. . that drives this great democratic Kosovo "free and independent" is accused of trafficking in human organs harvested as Serbs made to disappear in the years before the bombs of NATO, but even after (the leopard but not the defect) in recent years , where clinics in Pristina, for very little money to poor people were taken away, who knows how many volunteers, the bodies to finance the activities of mafia that the current Kosovo abounds.
Do you understand? Stuff for nothing! There which to congratulate those who have caused all this, by D'Alema, to remain in Italy until the whole constitution, with some noble exceptions of the time. Everyone always agrees and compete to demonstrate the reliability of our country (with limited sovereignty) to the U.S. master.
Today, this servility is well represented by shady characters such as The Russian defense minister or foreign minister Franco Frattini. Ready to replace them, do not worry, there are many, all in a row already!
Here, the situation is in Kosovo.
And in Rome, just yesterday, the ambassador of this newly narco "liberated" by the Serbs who lived there for centuries, it presented a calendar with the beauty including Kosovo, his goodness, some Orthodox monastery.
I wonder if we will even put some pictures of Serbian villages, isolated and opposed, where entire families also resist the continuing looting and violence of thieves and terrorists, with no legal protection despite the presence that is increasingly diminishing, military force known as interposition, the KFOR. I wonder if, in addition to the photo of the monastery we will have written that, before long, will be the police of Kosovo, composed mostly of veterans of the KLA terrorist group, "to ensure" the safety of monks and nuns who live there.
Who knows why, as I write these things, in my eyes the shiny back immagini dei villaggi visitati, dove ostinati e cocciuti, i serbi aspettano che finiscano di costruire loro le nuove case, accanto e al posto di quelle distrutte e razziate. Fondi internazionali che il governo di Pristina dovrà spendere per forza, ma che sono dati in pasto a ditte albanesi che procedono nei lavori come lumache su una pista olimpionica, rimandando sempre la consegna una volta per una cosa, una volta per l'altra. Con la corrente che viene razionata ferocemente, con l'acqua che non c'è, con le testimonianze che ci dicono come sia difficile per gli albanesi accettare questo ritorno dei serbi. Perchè restano preda dei poteri locali retti da mafie e narcotraffico, che non vogliono "estranei" sul territorio, che non permettono convivenze dangerous. So even if the Serbs go to the grocery store and speak their language, Albanians can not have relationships with them.

Why are they so afraid of the Serbs? Why can not build a people met their future in what has always been their land? Because even when opposed and persecuted minority, arouse so much hatred and fear?
Perhaps because, in their history, have never broken. They have suffered, suffered, defended themselves until the end, but they remained. They know what is the resistance. But I know it well all the others. So they are afraid.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Wedding Program Thank You Section


Thanks for the wink unexpected, no matter: it was almost impossible, since you're with her.
I do not know what you say but I know that I want to talk about and I want to show that despite everything you always with our eyes open to watch over me, like when in my sleepless nights I tell stories and helped me overcome my great jealousy .
I miss your voice, I miss so much your breath, your comforting words and your warmth.
She is not for you: it is too young, too skinny, too stupid! You are so human and so you ...
quell'occhiolino Perhaps you meant "back to me?" Because it is so I get up from the table and now I come to your rescue. Just nod! Another teaser! Well then now I will get up there and I will infuse you kiss e tutto sarà come una volta.
Mi batte forte il cuore e sono solo a metà strada… Ma cosa fa quella scema: perché ti infila un dito nell’occhio? E perché ora tu la baci ringraziandola?
Ok! Vado al bagno a sfogare l’illusione: comunque , non importa, non sei così bello e una così te la meriti proprio!

Estrella, Argentina