Friday, July 30, 2010

Voltage Regulator For Boat


Alessandro Di Meo

True stories from which escape is impossible.
The Scream that propaganda can not cover. Voices that break
the chorus line of injury that is deadly to people as much as the dross of "humanitarian war".

The Book The book is a denunciation of the plight of thousands of people, mostly Serbs, driven from the land, Kosovo and Metohija, where they have always lived and coexisted with other ethnic groups. The external interference caused by power interests, political and, above all, criminals have taken the word to people to deliver it to the propaganda and lies.
The author, through stories, search to shift the focus on the real protagonists of the sad and dramatic story: people in flesh and bone, making himself a witness to the tragic event for their findings of fact conditioned by propaganda and less commonplace.

The DVD documentary is a journey through the consequences of the bombing in 1999, for 78 days, they hit what was left of Yugoslavia. More than 10 years later, the problems and contradictions that so-called "humanitarian war" would resolve themselves, in fact, multiplied. The emergence of more serious diseases due to environmental pollution and indiscriminate use of depleted uranium, the closure of factories resulting in loss of workplace, the plight of Kosovo's remaining Serbs in the villages, in effect ghettoized, the status of Orthodox monasteries, cultural and historical heritage of humanity, to risk destruction. A journey in Serbia today is still too devastated in the heart and soul.

may take the entire edition of a book and DVD:
Product Code: 02084
name: The Scream of Kosovo (Paper + DVD)
Length: 52 '
requested contribution: € 18:00
Shipping: € 3:00

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Little Einsteins And Rapid

Fiat Bomb!

Alessandro Robecchi In last Sunday about "il manifesto", "The new company of the free world", the list was missing a model of car: Fiat Bomb.
This really could be produced in Serbia, just up the factory, Zastava, which was destroyed by bombing in 1999. He tells us Rajka Veljovic, Samostalni union, which no longer exists, into a corner and left for the second
... "In 1999 we were united to defend the Zastava. We were inside, we invited the main European newspapers to television to say that we would not have abandoned that which was our second home. But we bombed the same.. "
The entire interview can be found in the documentary film "The Sound of Kosovo", which these days comes together al libro di cui Tommaso Di Francesco ha scritto appassionata recensione il 23 luglio.
Quella che era la Torino dei Balcani, la città jugoslava di Kragujevac e quella che era la Fiat dei Balcani, la Zastava, furono bombardate senza nessun tipo di remora o ritegno, il giorno della Pasqua ortodossa, mandando in frantumi strutture, macchinari e… uova pasquali, colorate e pronte da distribuire fra i lavoratori. In un vortice dove tutto si mischia, vita e morte, dramma e grottesco, lacrime e scoppi di risate, fu bombardata quella che era la seconda casa di questi lavoratori, così come tutta la Serbia e così come tutto il Kosovo, ultima amputazione in ordine cronologico della Jugoslavia, ultimo schiaffo in faccia a i Serbi.
A Kragujevac environmental pollution due to the frightening spills of toxic material and fuel oil used in industrial processes, has caused and still causes, births with birth defects and the onset of cancer and the refugees, who live scattered in Kragujevac Kraljevo to tens of thousands, many of which come from the Zastava factory satellites, in particular from Pec in western Kosovo, have made, despite themselves, the dramatic situation of daily life for everyone. Driven with no possibility of return from their land, their life in a matter of hours from 10 June 1999, who assisted with the KFOR "distracted" the violence of extremism panalbanese often live in subsidies, aid, and odd jobs. Work has become a chimera for those who had always been guaranteed.
wages that do not come to 200 euro, prices skyrocket, the vegetables easier to get even one euro per kilo, while bordering on the two euro per kilo meat, not including the fixed costs for electricity, heating and more with the dinar, which loses points every month (beginning of the year to date increased from 95 to 1 € to 105 at present), were it not for the age-old ability to adapt to the tragedy of women and men of the people, would be a catastrophe.
And yet, here they still stand. It resists in Kragujevac, a town in October '41 saw generations of men and boys and teens killed in a day and a half after the Nazi-fascist beast. Today a park recalls the massacre in comparison with which our Ardeatine become a caress. He knows the people of Kragujevac bear the tragedy, it takes more than a bend to any Marchionne. But this distinction between Italian and Serbian workers hurts a lot, especially to them. Because the site of the old union photos graced the walls of solidarity, which still combines the Italian and Serbian workers through distance support of hundreds of families of workers or former workers of the Zastava. Fiat has not arrived by a penny, even today, while the employees of various unions Solidarity was never absent from the bloody March 24, 1999 to date. They never thought of having to be involved in these manipulations, real wars among the poor.
from Fiat, which before the bomb was used to send panettone, they arrived dictates and impositions that have, as a result, massive layoffs, subcontracting, inhuman pace of work, lack of guarantees and rights, the impoverishment of wages, loss of future .
necessary that these bridges between Italian workers and Serbs are not destroyed by the superficiality and propaganda, as well as many bridges were destroyed during the bombing of Serbia. They want wars among the poor, but now that the "poor" begin to look beyond their narrow profit newspaper, because there is always someone ready to do more to blackmail the interests of managers and unscrupulous businesses. And the workers themselves should be wary of many, especially politicians who, in words, but then I am with them, in fact, leave them alone. Who really is in danger of being starved, they alone are the workers. They think to reduce them to milder claims, holding under blackmail. But they could make mistakes and give way to solidarity prevail.
So that Fiat could become a vehicle bomb really reliable, to be produced in cooperation Italo-Serbian. Fiat Bomb and solidarity.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Rabbit Cages For Sale In Las Vegas

Open letter to the Serbian people in Kosovo

Arrest the Kosovo Albanian criminal Ramus Haradinaj was half a glass of water you have to drink to swallow yet another poison pill: the pronouncement of the court of justice (what justice?) in The Hague, which came out in favor of mono-ethnic self-proclaimed independence of Kosovo.
you can bet that in a few months, the criminal will be released again, or at least, condemned, but slightly, God forbid. Maybe you'll see, just for trying to manipulate the evidence in his charge. And it will be fine as a callous killer for having parked his car badly.
you are eating up, with ill repute, injustice and corruption. Close your borders! Refuse to Europe this vile, mean and underworld, the entrance on your sacred ground!
the airport in Belgrade, for some 'time, I come and go more often crowds of people rude and arrogant, overbearing and ignorant of the new generations of the above. Small and medium businesses, looking for arms to be cheap labor, when not hunting for your women, for their dirty profit. They dress well, these grim figures, have swollen portfolios. Just as the throngs of attorucoli from overwork that are in your city with a bored and unfriendly, to shoot some kind of useless television dramas, almost was not enough of the futility loro vite, vere e proprie fiction di quotidiana stupidità.

Fermateli alle frontiere! Ripristinate i visti d’ingresso, controllate chi entra e chi esce, che vi stanno prendendo l’Anima! Negategliela!
Negate alla Fiat di venire a banchettare sulla vostra pelle, negate a questi avvoltoi di vegliare sul vostro sfinimento, negate agli sciacalli la vostra storia! Gettate nel Danubio e nella Sava quei politici corrotti che hanno studiato in America, mentre i vostri figli non riuscite a farli studiare più neppure nelle vostre scuole! Gettate a fiume queste marionette, traditori della vostra storia, gente che in televisione va a strappare applausi e consensi, in giacche e cravatte alla moda, ma poi regala i vostri soldi vultures darken your sky. There are abandoning more and more, selling clothes and tearing while to join NATO and have its own mean return! Yes, NATO, the one that bombed and reduced to third world, the one where in a little 'enter it to be a part of vassals. Before long, you'll see them running around, with their armored cars blocked, your streets demanding and getting your traffic earlier in the day. With your police and your army obsequious to let them pass. All in the name of global security. After all, already do this in what was the land of your fathers, Kosovo and Metohija.

Be promoters of a Balkan front that oppose and resist the advance of barbarism warmongering, the overwhelming power of the banks, political threats, arrogance. Do not be afraid because, so, you also reduce hunger. Do not be afraid because, so, there is nothing to lose. The game is rigged, you bury the blackmail.
Suns, you still have a hope.
Suns, you still have to eat, what to drink, to provide that the honest travelers. Make it your own unique treasure. Remain free, in dignity. We, the dignity we have buried long ago, with the memory of ourselves.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Prolexis Male Enhancement Cost

The Scream (see:

Under the "There is a child che...”, ospitalità di bambini e ragazzi profughi di guerra provenienti dalla Serbia, giunta al nono anno e organizzata in collaborazione fra l’associazione “Un Ponte per...” e l’Ateneo di Tor Vergata,
siamo lieti di invitarvi alla serata di saluto di Mercoledì 14 luglio, a partire dalle ore 17,30 presso il piazzale della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’università di Roma Tor Vergata, via Columbia 1.

Nell’occasione, alle ore 18 nell’aula Moscati (primo piano, edificio B, davanti la Presidenza) verrà proiettato in anteprima il documentario: “L’Urlo del Kosovo”
video-film sulle conseguenze subite dalla popolazione calendar after the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999 and in particular on Serbia and Kosovo.

will also be presented the book of the same name by Alessandro Di Meo, published by Exòrma.
will present the author.

Next, in the yard of the Faculty,
popular music and rhythm, dance, food and beverages, in addition to rakija!
will be an opportunity for a discreet approach to the drama and suffering
one of the many injustices of our world, we seek
through the presence of children,
to tell with the sweetness of the look of the future.
We look forward to.