Sunday, September 19, 2010

Thank You Note For Coaches

a roof frame

reading here and there on various forums I came across a discussion where help was requested on the creation of a roof with cornice with Autodesk Revit Architecture . What follows is my contribution, that I would have done so: the roof created by the usual method modifies the properties on the cutting beam, setting a double-edged vertical.

Insert and then join the roof soffit to the roof above.

If you do not have available the appropriate profile to the frame can simply crearmelo with a special family.

I then load the profile on the current project, the profile used as a wrapper element modeling roof.

chose the soffit of the roof around the perimeter effectively creating the frame request.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Diagram Of Brazilian Waxing

Raster georeferenced coordinates and incorrect insertion

I do not think to tell you anything new by telling the story of geo-referenced orthophotos, however, for those who do not know, AutoCAD Map 3D can use the information geo-referenced images (placed in a file separated or the image itself) to place the item at the correct coordinates without the help of the user.

Sometimes però, sebbene le informazioni siano corrette, il raster viene posizionato su valori Est Nord errati.

Dove sta l'inghippo?? Ma nelle unità di misura ovviamente! Controllate sempre che le unità del disegno siano compatibili con le unità dell'immagine; se AutoCAD Map 3D si accorge di trovarsi di fronte ad unità diverse senza dire nulla esegue la conversione! Lodevole ma inutile in questo caso, anzi, oserei dire dannoso.

Chiaro no?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Broken Capillaries On Breasts

I will also take around

Tomorrow starts school.
For once, for the first time, I'm ready (or at least I thought so).

coordinate the sale of our house, the experts who have put in place some of the cards - it turns out that the closure to last forever renovations made in 1998, has been sent by the municipality to register, or I did not have scope I (I'm not sure which one) and the plans do not match the state of things - along with the move, the bank that has to count for the extinction of the mortgage, the notary following our purchase, the two sellers of our new home that you are separated and fighting among themselves, the new bank che ci deve dare il nuovo mutuo, il tutto condito dalla ricerca di una babysitter, mentre la mia azienda continua a lavorare (no, non si è fermato il mondo perchè questa famiglia si sta trasferendo): dev'essere che tutto questo, e altro che si aggiunge sopra che qui non scrivo perchè meno prioritario, mi abbia dato dei superpoteri perchè....

per la prima volta in 8 anni scolastici, in questa casa di campagna, esilio temporaneo lontano da tutto (anche dalla scuola che comincia domani), UDITE UDITE, risiedono felicemente tutti, ma proprio tutti, i libri di testo necessari ai miei tre figli per l'anno scolastico 2010-2011.

Mai successo prima nella storia di questa famiglia. Sono così orgogliosa di me same for the sudden enlightenment that took me three weeks ago and prompted me to make a mega order online at! They arrived almost everyone in a big box office. And those who have not arrived, I promptly booked them in a library that efficiently two days later sent me a text message to the withdrawal. There are all

: 650 € of paper are piled on the floor in full view in the two bedrooms (Alas here there are no shelves, no place, the house is small). I almost feel like Scrooge 'Scrooge with the mountains of coins in the corner.

And pride is double, because at least one third are able to buy second hand, saving money. Mica peanuts.

Aaaahhh ... I finally learned. I finally stopped being immature, with those ridiculous runs at 19 and 29 in the library and belittling those looks of the clerks told me that scandalized "But, sir, that will take a week", "like a week?, They need it for tomorrow if not take a lack (it is said "no" is "minus" the prof. put on the register if the boys were not wearing the required material in the day required, ed), "eh, Madam, you have to think about it before, I mean to time, "" oh yes, time for them ... ... but time is relative .... okay, I'm going, eh? ok, I said a week? but certainly a week? I'm going, but see that among We are one week ... "This year

super ready. I even recorded the newsletter of the two schools and real-time I know exactly what, how and when.

David James and tomorrow must be in sixth grade. Marta instead the classical high school starts Wednesday.

The school is in the country where we are going to live, which I believe accounts for around 3 thousand souls, maybe 4. Three sections (A, B and C) against the 12 city school attended by Marta .

It 's the second round, I've already experienced the thrill of high school with Martha, so I do not feel particularly involved. A coffee I order books and I drop here is a little distracted questions to make sure that the two boys non stiano costruendosi tensioni assurde.

Sono tranquilli, sembra. Davide mi ha detto di aver sognato un nuovo compagno molto simpatico con i capelli neri... "per cui, mamma, domani, se c'è uno coi capelli neri, io gli parlo" e, sempre Davide, oggi è uscito dal bagno e mi ha detto "sai, mamma, mentre facevo la popò ho pensato che ho proprio voglia di cominciare la nuova scuola domani" (questa osservazione in particolare, ho pensato che fosse molto rassicurante). Giacomo, con la sua flemma perfettina, si è sentito in dovere di informarmi che "mamma, non mi sento affatto agitato per domani".

Neanche io. Non ho alcuna emozione particolare al pensiero che Giacomo e Davide, i MIEI BAMBINI, ancora plump and coated as Nutella when I get to cuddle her up tomorrow if they go to middle school.

The only thing I said two days ago, was: "Boys, on Monday, when you go to school, know one thing. Be yourself and tell you everything you want, but be aware that any What will you tell, by the afternoon the whole country will know. "

What I realize is not very reassuring thing to say to two 10enni, but these are city boys who have not the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bhow it works in small villages, and it seemed fair to warn them.

(I know, I know ... I am sorry, I did not tell him)

Tonight at dinner, in unison as only twins can happen - and every time as the first surprise - James and David have applied for both the new pants to wear tomorrow, bought with her grandmother last weekend.

My gaze rests with terror on their faces and then moved on the clothes line where the two ends hanging wet and fragrant.

In 10 years of their lives, they got him all kinds of stuff, uncoordinated, passed from cousins \u200b\u200bto cousins, even third-hand, shirts sbrindole patched up pants, colors that were at odds with each other, never badarci. Do you think tonight is backed up to the designers?
Yes, I think.

"Okay, Mom ..." (Musini a bit 'disappointed but without fuss).

From inside I got a wave of emotion and I found out I was not ready at all.
is they, who in bed at night I ask the scratch card on the back, those who have a soft face, and playing with toy cars up and down the sofa cushions by "brrrruummm, brum, bruuuummm", and put his hand under the duvet on the cheek, wrapped like a cocoon when preparing to sleep? It is they who carry the 41 foot but could still cut your fingernails? They are the same bats that draw red and blacks and futuristic machines in the shape of a dragon with red eyes that leave lasers to kill the bad guys?
They are the ones that jump on Saturday morning in Latvian and argue for the position closest to the mother? They
that tomorrow must be in sixth grade? In a new school in a new country, with children (boys?) Who have never seen before (and which they all know for sure)? And that can not even say "I live here." a house because there do not have it yet?


"Okay mom, a f ***"
I got up, I took two pairs of trousers from the drying rack, I put them wide open on two chairs and now there is a great heater blowing and puffing direct heat on the tissues wet.
For tomorrow morning will be dry for sure.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Creative Extigy Vista

Cinema Bianchini

David (the inventor) to its papà:
Daddy, last night I dreamt in English with subtitles in Italian.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Jewell De Nyle Last Movie

culture against barbarism! The Scream

We have been facile prophets of the association A bridge for us ... when, in December last year, we launched a dramatic appello per la protezione delle minoranze serbe e dei monasteri ortodossi nel Kosovo e Metohija.
La decisione di affidare la loro tutela, a partire dal monastero di Gracanica, che dal 13 luglio 2006 è inserito nell'elenco dei Patrimoni dell'Umanità dell'UNESCO, alla polizia kosovara attuale, formata da reduci del disciolto Uck, formazione terrorista che dalla metà degli anni '90 ha imperversato nel Kosovo organizzando la malavita oggi al potere e ammazzando o facendo sparire serbi ma anche albanesi non collusi con l'idea di indipendenza, in genere jugoslavisti, uno per tutti: Ibraj Musa, partigiano jugoslavo ( sta divenendo realtà.
C'è da scommettere that will arrive soon from other monasteries to "protect" the former militiamen, maybe one of Decani, a World Heritage site since 2004, when these former militiamen of monasteries destroyed it or let it destroy, with a distracted complciità KFOR, about 150 ... or maybe the Patriarchate of Pec, where in autumn, perhaps, be able to settle the new Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Irinej. Could then settle, patriarch Irinej, under the "protection" of the terrorists who kidnapped and almost stopped, during a visit to a monastery, the late Patriarch Pavle in 1998!
Add to this that the monasteries are often the only point of reference and vital, necessary and indispensable for the few comunità serbe rimaste a resistere nel Kosovo ripulito etnicamente, possiamo capire, anche in questa distratta, sonnecchiosa e ambigua estate, quanto si farà sempre più difficile la situazione nell'area.
Per questo invitiamo a sottoscrivere l'Appello per la protezione delle minoranze serbe e dei monasteri! (
Non lasciamo sole quelle persone e quelle meraviglie di architettura!
Non lasciamo che vinca la barbarie sulla cultura (anche fuori dal nostro paese...).

Nella foto: Il monastero di Gracanica, patrimonio dell'UNESCO, uno dei primi a finire sotto la "tutela" della polizia kosovara.