Saturday, October 30, 2010

Driver License Template Reviews

Mantenere i testi sempre orizzontali

L'ennesima richiesta dai forum mi ha permesso di sperimentare ciò che ora vado a raccontarvi, ammettendo che prima di tentare questa strada ero abbastanza convinto che non avrebbe funzionato. La richiesta diceva testualmente:
"Ho un insieme di punti on Autocad, each point (cross symbol used) has a coordinate x, y and z. Working with AutoCAD in 2D there are no problems, I can read the texts as well in the xy plane, but by rotating the orbit crosses the design and text can not read anymore because I remain on the xy plane. Let me know if you could make that rotate or orbit Seguino texts that I choose, "I replied that
: " As soon as I groped for a moment an experiment ... I do not believe anybody but you never know. " and I started to work. ... I created a drawing any

... and I quote some lyrics written down, taking care to check voice "relevant guideline text with layout" window in the style of text.

Moving in the layout, with great surprise, I immediately noticed that it was working!

will never cease to amaze this AutoCAD !

Friday, October 29, 2010

Back Spasms Treatment More Condition_symptoms

Nuovamente sull'interoperabilità!

Always view to illustrate interoperability between various software today I want to offer a post on the use of combined AutoCAD and Revit to model a Doric column. I love Revit Architecture ma purtropoo devo ammettere che nostro malgrado non permette i virtuosismi 3D di cui AutoCAD dispone; così mi sono arrangiato in questo modo:
ho modellato in AutoCAD il capitello che poi ho esportato come solido ACIS (*.sat) .

Il solido è stato poi inserito dentro una nuova famiglia (modello generico) di Revit Architecture e salvato.

La seconda parte della column (created as a family of columns) you can create and manage comfortably with the modeling tools Revit ...

as the revolution of the base ...

... and extrusion of the body of the column.

hope of classical purists will forgive me if I did not "modeled" the entasis!
Now we have to load our family of the capital created in the beginning and place it on top. Et voila!

A tip to "Revittiani" hardcore: do not abandon AutoCAD, he can always come in handy!


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Princess Cruises Auditions

Intervalli di visualizzazione e regioni di pianta

A very common problem in Revit Architecture is the ability to display on the same plant display different intervals, depending on the area. It is not impossible, I would say that this is a trivial and shows you how to do: some days I'm venturing with Revit Architecture 2011 in the design of the stand at the exhibition staged in ECOMONDO a Rimini (è vero, sparo ai passerotti con il cannone, che male c'è?) e nella vista in pianta avrei la necessità di visualizzare una parte di trave americana che passa sopra le nostre teste.

Lo strumento da utilizzare si chiama regione di pianta e consente di disegnare un semplice poligono chiuso nel quale imposto un intervallo di visualizzazione diverso da quello della pianta dei pavimenti.

Questo sarà il risultato:

Come si nota, l'americana è visibile solo all'interno della regione di pianta e non oltre. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Prolexis Penis Enlargment

Do not turn your face!

Serbia will not come out well on this night football.
In monovision, the Serbs appeared to back the "dangerous nationalists savages" who make the world tremble! But that anger has a home. And that house is in the robbery that the Serbs have suffered by those in government in Serbia today, colluded with the West, is selling off his soul. Kosovo, the heart of Serbia, far away, with the Orthodox patriarch, comparable to our Pope, forced to settle on the sly in the Patriarchate of Pec, Kosovo barely tolerated by the government of "liberated" by NATO, led by the Mafia and drug traffickers. The International Monetary Fund Internationally, the IMF lends money used to finance foreign companies (such as expropriation Fiat Zastava, Fiat and Italian of the apparently faithful Marchionne, a man in reality dell'americanissima Philip Morris !!!). The bombs in '99 are now forgotten, the dead and those refugees have stories that fill the news, too busy in describing the new look of the various actresses from overwork, those are worthy of our current and democratic, attention, all seasoned murder by an absurd and the other part of our beloved West.
But in Serbia organizes the Gay Pride, which is "absolute priority" in Serbia today, absurd provocation that could only give the results they gave. The U.S. congratulated the Serbian police, for the ability to protect "human rights" in their country. More violence is on the horizon, against other rights ...
Children Serbs, who were not at the stadium tonight, as well as those many of their Italian contemporaries that the rhetoric of the commentary Rai1 (absurd, inappropriate and ignorant enough to exchange the sign of three fingers of the players as an invitation to Serbs not to lose the game for three to zero!) continued to incense, there remains much to hope for the future. Despite this sad event, however, I continue to be with the Serbs. There is a Serbia that there is, even if his face tonight, was not attractive and accommodating. A Serbia does not want to enter Europe, because Europe feels betrayed, cheated and humiliated. It 's a sad night because of concern for the future, fear of violence brought new seasons. But the violence has a home. Mine is an invitation. A does not turn his face.

Friday, October 8, 2010

20 Ft Gloucester Sailboat

Sostituire stili di linea nelle viste

La perfezione non esiste (qualcuno dice che ci sta lavorando), nemmeno in Autodesk Revit e in alcuni casi potrebbe presentarsi la necessità di "sovrascrivere" una linea con una di altro tipo. Passo ad un esempio per farmi capire: la scala rappresentata sotto si appoggia al solaio, ma viene disegnata una linea che rappresenta una soluzione di continuità.

Come posso dire a Revit di non mostrarmi tale linea? Ma con il comando Impostazione linea ovviamente!

I started the command does not do is select the type of line replacement (such as ) and select the entities to be replaced.

Yes, ok, we would have to fix a couple of other little things but I wanted to bring to your attention was only this, to be used as appropriate.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Lung Cancer Treatment More Condition_symptoms

Condividere Modelling with AutoCAD drawings WS

AutoCAD WS ( https: / / ), formerly known as Project Butterfly, is a free application developed by Autodesk for sharing and editing online file DWG , compatible with iPod touch, iPhone and iPad, this short post is not meant to show how it works but the application will show you how to quickly share a picture. Installed the plugin AutoCAD and / or AutoCAD LT I find myself facing a new tab called Command Online from which you can upload a file DWG.

E 'obviously need an internet connection and an account is absolutely free .

Sharing files is in a web browser (Internet Explorer for example) where you can also make some simple changes or additions.

To share files with anyone on my staff I move Share tab and press the appropriate button to indicate your email address and a message (optional) to which to send the link.

Mario Rossi will receive an email with a link, then you get thrown into AutoCAD WS where you can view the file, edit it, measure what is needed and so on. If I want to be able to share design with the entire community by posting the web address from which to download the file, use the button link to share Get .

The server will remember the latest changes in chronological order so you can return to previous states with a simple click. All this fantastic FREE!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Cancer Sores More Condition_symptoms

dell'intronizzazione the eve of the new Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Irinej, what will happen (barring accidents) Sunday, October 3 in the Patriarchate of Pec, in Kosovo and Metohija, the situation in the region is, to say the least, explosive.
A fine article by Thomas Francis today, Friday, October 1, 2010, on the last page of Il Manifesto, gives us the real picture of what is happening.
Buy the newspaper, which is experiencing difficult economic conditions, one of the few who has never lowered the guard on the problems and injustices in the Balkans. This should be a question ... Alessandro

ps And I remember all the book and the documentary The Scream of Kosovo, to help out even a bridge to ... and to spread a long, dark, but so valuable to so many people forget!
(to order: