Sunday, February 27, 2011

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SBK Phillip Island: le pagelle

Carlos Checa: voto 10
Un weekend da incorniciare. Perfetto dall'inizio alla fine. Si è costruito una Ducati su misura, ha realizzato un ottimo tempo alle Libere. Sua la Superpole come sua la vittoria a Phillip Island di Gara 1 e Gara 2. Cosa di più si può chiedere ad un pilota che l'anno scorso a Salt Lake City si è ritrovato da primo in pista, sul ciglio della strada per la rottura della moto... Bravissimo!
Max Biaggi: voto 10
Ha fatto un lavoro straordinario e Aprilia, grazie alle sue indicazioni è cresciuta tantissimo. L'anno scorso di questi tempi, il Corsaro era parecchio indietro. Oggi ha lottato per il podio, ottenendolo sia in Gara 1 che in Gara 2. A Noale possono essere più che soddisfatti di trovarsi secondi con 40 punti su una pista che non è mai stata facile per la RSV4.
Marco Melandri: voto 9
Tutti lo davano per un comprimario. Uno che in Superbike era venuto a scaldare la sedia. E invece il ravennate ha dato la paga a molti piloti già dentro il mondo della SBK. Si è operato alla spalla da poco ed eccolo lì a lottare e combattere per un meritatissimo podio. Bravo Macio!
Leon Haslam: voto 7
Combatte con la voglia di dimostrare chi è. Ma regge una sola gara: la prima... e poi si arrende ai tempi degli avversari. Eppure era lui a lottare per il gradino più alto del podio fino allo scorso anno e con una moto Yamaha e non la BMW. La crescita è continua ma il lavoro e lo sviluppo da sostenere sono forti.
Ce la farà!
La gara: voto 9
Bella la prima, entusiasmante la seconda. Adrenalinica come al solito, combattuta fino alla fine. Se non fosse stato per Checa che ha avuto la capacità di 'spengerla' fin dall'inizio, le retrovie hanno dato prova di forza e decisa determinazione. E siamo solo all'inizio! 

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SBK Phillip Island: la parola ai protagonisti

Checa, Biaggi e Melandri

Esordio Superbike in Australia con orari antipatici per noi in Italia . Ma nulla ha tolto allo spettacolo della prima gara del Mondiale SBK . Ecco i commenti dei protagonisti di Phillip Island .

Carlos Checa : 
" E' stata una settimana perfetta, siamo sempre stati veloci fin dai test e la gara è andata esattamente come volevamo. Sono riuscito a prendere subito il mio ritmo ma temevo che Biaggi avrebbe provato a starmi vicino. Invece ero solo là davanti, in pieno controllo della situazione. Tra le due gare non ho cambiato niente, la 1198 è andata come un orologio e siamo riusciti a fare la differenza. È stato un gran colpo per la squadra, per la Ducati e anche per me ". 
Max Biaggi : 
" Sarebbe stato necessario partire meglio entrambe le volte per provare a stare con Checa ma forse non sarebbe changed much. The Aprilia on this track has made progress but still not perfect as on other circuits. Maybe next year we will be successful ... For now I'm going well this second place, it would take me before signing on. Indeed, they are placed very fundamental for the World Cup. The duel was a battle with Melandri, and beautiful sport. When I passed the first time I lifted the pace to reach groped Checa but I pushed more and more rubber tearing, so I gave up. See you at Donington, it's okay for now .
Marco Melandri :
" Fifth place I had left an initial po’ d’amaro in bocca e nell’intervello abbiamo studiato bene i dati risolvendo gran parte dei problemi che avevamo. Durante i test non avevamo mai fatto long run, per vari motivi, e gara uno è stato il primo vero collaudo che ho fatto con la R1. Avevo più aderenza e sentivo la moto più mia. Con Biaggi è stato un bel duello, pulitissimo, anche perché lui mi ha ripassato sempre in rettilineo… I quaranta minuti di Gara 2 mi ripagano di due mesi di sofferenze, oggi la spalla non mi ha dato grande fastidio, anche se alla fine ero molto stanco. Devo un grande grazie a chi ha lavorato sodo come me per rimetterla a posto ".

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SBK Phillip Island - Marco Melandri: "Gara 1 difficile, ma Gara 2 da paura!"

Ecco il commento di Macio sul
his first double in comparison
Superbike. The door with
Biaggi have enjoyed

Here is the debut of a sample with attributes. One of those who can not stand still with folded hands and watch the opponents speed past him. Melandri is in full recovery, trained as a soldier in battle, no discounts and no one wins in Race 2 a well-deserved podium. And to say that Ravenna is recovering from an operation on his shoulder very similar to that of Valentino Rossi , with the difference to have done even later. With the third-place finish in the second round of Phillip Island , Macio proves to believe in himself, to have confidence in his Yamaha and aim high. In other words, it made landfall in the championship series of the derivatives to make the second lead. " I was quite happy after the result of Race 1, but in the end I can be happy for the way they ended the weekend. In the first race we encountered the same problems as evidence of the grip, but with some changes we were able to get better, I felt at ease with the bike, I had more confidence after this! . Melandri still : " Gara 1 difficile, ma Gara2… da paura! Peccato non aver lasciato i freni al rampino, però sono carichissimo! Devo dire che è bello tornare sul podio, volevo concludere in seconda posizione lottando con Biaggi, ma era un azzardo tentare un sorpasso alla fine. Sono comunque soddisfatto del terzo posto, è stato un buon inizio dell’avventura in Superbike ". Un inizio assolutamente apprezzato anche da chi ama questo sport. Melandri è entrato in perfetta sintonia con la doppia gara domenicale della WSBK e con la grinta giusta per ottenere i risultati migliori che Codice71 si sente fin d'ora di augurargli.

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SBK Phillip Island Gara 2: Carlos Checa è il Re d'Australia. Biaggi secondo e Marco Melandri conquista il podio

Checa, Biaggi, Melandri... Spettacolo!

Gara 2 in Australia ha creato parecchie emozioni. Carlos Checa , ed è bene chiarirlo subito, si è tirato fuori dalla mischia e superando Haslam ha preferito fuggire in solitaria, lasciando educatamente sorpassi e bagarre agli avversari. Max Biaggi parte male e da secondo in griglia si ritrova ottavo nel corso del primo giro. Gara in salita per lui ma con la determinazione che gli è proverbiale, risale fino al terzo posto, instaurando con Melandri una vera battaglia per la conquista della second position. Both Yamaha Aprilia that have proved more competitive in the second round and both riders took advantage of improvements in race to burn the opponent. This has generated a fascinating spectacle, especially among Melandri and Biaggi , author of a very effective comeback. The comparison for second place all-Italian sees a series of passes and controsorpassi, with Corsaro often 'forced' to recover on Melandri straight, just where does Aprilia scoring record of 319 km / h. .. there is none for anybody. Checa, meanwhile, free from any obstacles and nature, peaceful proceeds to the checkered flag and wears just behind the apex of the battle between Macio and Biaggi, with world champion who manages to keep the second position.

1 Carlos Checa - Althea Racing - Ducati 1198 to 22 laps in 34'15 .041 2 Max Biaggi
- Alitalia Aprilia Racing Team 1188 +
3 Marco Melandri - Yamaha World Superbike Team + 1406
4 Jonathan Rea - Honda Castrol
10,563 + 5  Leon Haslam – BMW Motorrad Motorsport + 10.885
6    Leon Camier – Aprilia Alitalia Racing Team + 16.914
7    Noriyuki Haga – Pata Racing Team Aprilia + 17.558
8    Michel Fabrizio – Team Suzuki Alstare + 17.679
9    Tom Sykes – Kawasaki Racing Team + 18.070
10  Ruben Xaus – Castrol Honda + 19.053
11  Jakub Smrz – Team Effenbert Liberty Racing + 19.060
12  Roberto Rolfo – Team Pedercini + 23.771
13  Josh Waters – Yoshimura Suzuki Racing Team + 23.956
14  James Toseland – BMW Motorrad Italia + 28.713
15  Eugene Laverty – Yamaha World Superbike Team + 32.673
16  Mark Aitchison – Team Pedercini + 33.226
17  Bryan Staring – Team Pedercini + 42.598
18  Maxime Berger – Supersonic Racing Team + 51.819
19  Troy Corser – BMW Motorrad Motorsport + 55.738

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Superbike Phillip Island Race 1: Checa wins and convincing. Biaggi wins an important second place. Haslam to WSBK podium

Derby motoristico italiano.
Ducati si conferma al top in
Australia. Aprilia ha colmato
il gap degli ultimi due anni

L'attesa è finalmente terminata. Alla sirena di Phillip Island che annunciava i cinque minuti allo start di Gara 1 , tutti gli amanti della Superbike incollati al televisore avranno tirato un sospiro di sollievo. Ci siamo. La stagione 2011 è al suo inizio! Carlos Checa deve aver pensato la stessa cosa perchè ha rispettato pienamente predictions, taking home a well deserved personal success. Ducati thanks and shows in Australia to be absolutely competitive. Behind the English, only Max Biaggi, who like the number 7 sudarsi had its second position, led to a close with several seconds of advantage over their pursuers. Sometimes they are just the followers to give their best performance until the last lap and in fact, expectations have not been betrayed. The door and continued overtaking, with the lowest step of the podium by Leon Haslam on Melandri, Michel Fabrizio and Laverty. Beyond the result and the classification is a fact, however, applaud Marco Melandri operatio shoulder after Valentino Rossi , and able to fight like a lion for the third position. Bravo Macio .

1 Carlos Checa - Althea Racing Ducati - 34'16 .503 22 laps in
2 Max Biaggi - Alitalia Aprilia Racing Team 4365 +
3 Leon Haslam - BMW Motorrad Motorsport 10,719 +
4 Eugene Laverty - Yamaha World Superbike Team + 11,266
5 Marco Melandri - Yamaha World Superbike Team + 11,293
6 Michel Fabrizio – Team Suzuki Alstare + 12.039
7 Jakub Smrz – Team Effenbert Liberty Racing + 20.294
8 Tom Sykes – Kawasaki Racing Team + 20.742
9 Noriyuki Haga – Pata Racing Team Aprilia + 22.421
10 Troy Corser – BMW Motorrad Motorsport + 25.822
11 Roberto Rolfo – Team Pedercini – Kawasaki ZX-10R + 29.270
12 Jonathan Rea – Castrol Honda + 31.059
13 Leon Camier – Aprilia Alitalia Racing Team + 31.721
14 Ayrton Badovini – BMW Motorrad Italia + 36.389
15 Bryan Staring – Team Pedercini + 36.470
16 Ruben Xaus – Castrol Honda + 41.928
17 James Toseland – BMW Motorrad Italia + 55.239
18 Josh Waters – Yoshimura Suzuki Racing Team + 1’00.312
19 Mark Aitchison – Team Pedercini + 1’00.316
20 Maxime Berger – Supersonic Racing Team + 1’30.125

Saturday, February 26, 2011

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Australia: the protagonists speaking

Ecco i commenti dei piloti,
i loro pensieri sulla Pole e le
strategies for the race tonight

Carlos Checa has dominated the last Test, the practice yesterday and Pole today. But Corsaro behind him and 13 thousandths of a detachment from the English are synonymous with a great time. If we compare the timing of RSV4 of last season to those of today, there is clearly a full recovery by Aprilia .

Here are the opinions of the pilots reported by

Carlos Checa:
" I saw on the dashboard that I had done 1:30 '8" but also in the table reporting Biaggi I read the same time. So I was left with the doubt until, once back in the pits, I saw the mechanics to party. "
How important is the Pole?
" It's nice, it's a great way to start 2011. But of course, is not conclusive, because the race will be tough and we have not solved all of the doubts on the choice of tires .

Max Biaggi:
"This was the track most tricky but in two years we have made great strides. The turning point was in the December test, we found solutions to problems that individually are small but, overall, maybe make a difference. I have a great team, experienced, responsive, and this is placing on their .
What are the prospects for the race?
" Surely we are being much better than a year ago. We'll see how the temperatures and we will do our strategy. The Ducati is favored here, but we .
Even today, the Aprilia was the fastest on the right side: 319 km / h.
" should establish an award cash for the rider who spends more strong! .

Sylvain Guintoli:
" a big step I make no secret of having high hopes for the two races tomorrow. They are to debut on the Ducati and the new team, I did not expect that we would be so far ahead in the first race. But this track is very favorable to the twin, we lack a little 'speed but recovered in the corners, where the 1198 has excellent traction. Last year I went strong with Suzuki, a four-cylinder, and now I'm back on top with a different bike. It is a great satisfaction .

" After the test last Tuesday I was afraid that we would not be able to enter in the sixteen and the first row is definitely good news for me and BMW. Checa and Biaggi But when I'm on another planet and we face two very tough races. I often shot with rubber finish to verify the conditions of the race and do not want nasty surprises but still not where we want to be. Our fate will depend greatly on the temperature of the asphalt .

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thanks to our friends at motoblog ,
here is a series of postcards from Australia

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Postcards from Phillip Island WSBK Phillip Island: Superpole Video

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Australia WSBK: Max Biaggi in the first row "I'm really happy with this result!"

And how not to be. A Phillip Island the Corsaro fought by the protagonist, and considering that the Australian circuit except that everything is favorable to ' Aprilia , the impression one gets is that pilots and engineers have done a great job. The 13-thousandths of a detachment from the Superpole Ducati's Carlos Checa are pleased enough to frame the race tomorrow.
" Wow, thirteen thousandths are really nothing. It means that even on this track that we were never favored, we have improved a lot over the past two years, reaching close to the best. I'm really happy with this result, on the great work team that we have to try coming here during winter testing. These tests have allowed us to better understand our problems, so we worked so hard on the details, small adjustments can make a difference. The technicians were great, we're not the fastest but certain that, even for the races, we are competitive. Tomorrow will be important in the weather, temperature, and the tires that we will choose accordingly. Then, as always, we are ready to give up .

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Australia WSBK: Checa in Superpole, Biaggi a few thousandths claws in second place. Guintoli on the grid and follow Haslam

Carlos Checa takes over the Pole
after a fantastic weekend.
Biaggi close the gap and if the
play an equal

The battle, even before tomorrow's race has already started officially today with the struggle for Superpole. Carlos Checa crown a perfect weekend with a record-Pole: 1.30 '882. Phillip Island is a special circuit for 'Aprilia , certainly not favored by the House of Noale but despite this, Max Biaggi pulling out fingernails, cancel the gap with English and extracts from a cylinder Tempone surprisingly, only 13 thousandths off the pace. The first row is completed by Sylvain Guintoli and Leon Haslam, the man of the Renaissance BMW . To underline the eighth place of Marco Melandri , that despite the physical recovery still in progress can precede the arrembante Michel Fabrizio. The elements for an interesting race to see there are all even if the feeling is that a gamble are the two top floors of Recordmen: Checa and Biaggi . Here is the complete order of the Phillip Island Superpole :

1. Carlos Checa (Althea Racing) 1'30 .882
2. Max Biaggi (Aprilia Alitalia Racing Team) 1'30 .895
3. Sylvain Guintoli (Team Effenbert-Liberty Racing) 1′31.293
4.   Leon Haslam (BMW Motorrad Motorsport) 1′31.429
5.   Eugene Laverty (Yamaha World Superbike Team) 1′31.858
6.   Jakub Smrz (Team Effenbert-Liberty Racing) 1′31.980
7.   Troy Corser (BMW Motorrad Motorsport) 1′32.182
8.   Marco Melandri (Yamaha World Superbike Team) 1′32.662
9.   Michel Fabrizio (Team Suzuki Alstare) 1′32.153
10. Tom Sykes (Kawasaki Racing Team Superbike) 1′32.204
11. Joshua Waters (Yoshimura Suzuki Racing Team) 1′32.240
12. Jonathan Rea (Castrol Honda) 1′32.708
13. Joan Lascorz (Kawasaki Racing Team) 1′32.346
14. Noriyuki Haga (PATA Racing Team Aprilia) 1′32.391
15. James Toseland (BMW Motorrad Italia SBK Team) 1′32.547
16. Ruben Xaus (Castrol Honda) 1′32.788
17. Leon Camier (Aprilia Alitalia Racing Team) 1'32 .847
18. Bryan Staring (Team Pedercini)
1'32 .883 19. Maxime Berger (Supersonic Racing Team) 1'33 .079
20. Ayrton Badovini (BMW Motorrad Superbike Italia Team) 1'33 .161
21. Roberto Rolfo (Team Pedercini)
1'33 .286 22. Mark Aitchison (Pedercini Team) 1'33 .413

Friday, February 25, 2011

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SBK Phillip Island: Checa is the first free practice. Below Guintoli and Laverty. Biaggi was fourth.

Ducati in big way.
ridosso Yamaha and Aprilia.

Il grande
circus of Superbike landed this morning in the land of 'Australia . At today's free Carlos Checa is confirmed not only among the top drivers in the form of the lot but his bike, among the most competitive on the grid. A sign that the abandonment of the official Team Ducati has not disrupted the ambitions Ducati within the derived series. Let us return to the facts. With a time of 1:31 '577 ", the Spaniard wins a deserved provisional pole. Just behind, with Ducati Effenbert - Liberty Racing , Sylvain Guintoli . Yamaha of the Third Eugene Laverty, who was also under the wall 1 .32 '. Max Biaggi è quarto con qualche difficoltà ed un' Aprilia non ancora perfetta nella sua messa a punto. 

Ecco le dichiarazioni del Corsaro .
" Abbiamo ancora molto da sistemare. Ci sono problemi col freno motore e si innesca un chattering assai pronunciato.  Abbiamo provato soluzioni diverse, cambiando anche spesso moto, ma non è che ne abbia avuto grandi vantaggi. Dobbiamo ancora lavorare molto per riuscire a capire dove intervenire. Il passo non è male ma quando provo a spingere emergono i problemi che ho detto. Mi pare che Checa sia al momento molto avvantaggiato su noi ma io devo guardare al mio box e cercare di tirar fuori il massimo da quello che ho a disposizione: per domani vorrei migliorare sul giro veloce ". 

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MotoGP Sepang Test: Lorenzo is satisfied

Conclusi anche i Test realizzati in Malesia , ognuno avrà adesso le idee più chiare sulle reali condizioni della proprio moto. All'inizio si pensava che tutti avrebbero dovuto inseguire l'attuale Campione del Mondo invece la realtà che sta emergendo con prepotenza è che sia proprio la Honda la moto da battere e Stoner e Pedrosa su tutti, i piloti da eguagliare. La M1 va forte mind you, but the benefits shown in this three days of testing at Sepang , for what we have seen, appear to be slightly below those of the HRC . top rider Jorge Lorenzo Yamaha , however, appeared pleased with the emotions felt on the track while acknowledging that there is still room for improvement. " I was pretty tired after two and a half days of testing, and I ended up with a long run of 20 laps. The result is good enough, we have a very steady pace and are happy to have something better on the bike. I think we've made good progress with the traction and feel, but we need more time to improve the lap time trial .

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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MotoGP Sepang Test: Honda and Yamaha chasing flies ... the protagonists speaking

HRC is scaring the competition.
Yamaha trying to keep up with competition.
And others watch!

We start from Casey Stoner . The Australian Repsol Honda is proposed as an aspirant to the title. flies in the tests, push hard and it is 'almost' impregnable.
" We continued the comparison of the frame and I'm glad we finally decided which one to use for the 2011 season. We also tried many electronic maps on the brake and found improvements in some areas and disadvantages in others. We should better check this thing. The chassis responds well regardless of the chosen setup. We are also able to adapt quite easily. When we get to Qatar in a few weeks, we'll be able to try different set-up and gain more experience. Some changes may take time, it will be useful to work with two mountain bikes that have the same frame. The balance of these tests is very positive. Today we did a simulation covering almost race distance gathering important information. Every time I feel more comfortable on the bike and I'm looking forward to going to Qatar . Dani Pedrosa
is behind the times, alongside others, and when it happens even in the face. Extremely competitive. Humble architect of a long-awaited miracle.
" We had three days of testing very good. Both sessions here at Sepang preseason have been positive. We improved braking and we worked hard on various configurations of electronics and mechanics. It was a winter better than last year , we know that all will grow again for the first race. Sepang I leave satisfied. The next test in Qatar will give us the opportunity to confirm the work done on a circuit with a different layout and different track conditions. I did more or less the same number speed with the frame 2010 and what changed. The best time came with version 2011. However, I would still do the checks in Qatar and then take the final decision. I feel good and the bike works fine. Let's much more confident in Qatar last year, but we must keep our feet on the ground because at the beginning of 2010 we met with mole problems and then we have improved during the season, so the others could do the same thing. The final assessment will only be in the race .
Andrea Dovizioso has the merit of being there. And 'there, always present, not relegated to supporting actor for someone to want to make out.
" We are fast and have carried out two pre-season test sessions at this level is very important. In the afternoon I also did a race simulation which confirmed that we are strong and we are ready for the season avenir. However, during the long run, I discovered a problem on the front that I had already experienced in some races of 2009. After a few laps in fact, I lost grip at the center of the curve. The record of the second Sepang test is positive, but we're not perfect. We need to understand what we changed causing this problem, since it appeared when we added only five gallons of gasoline. Nevertheless, I was fast. I went a lot stronger than last year. I feel without this problem, I could run with a step similar to Dani and Casey ... so I'm happy .
Marco Simoncelli is serious and Honda put him in serious condition to tell her. Constantly performing, will be for next season a thorn in the side of many.
" I am very happy for the time I did this morning, but today we were a bit 'confused during the race simulation. Yesterday, with the hard rubber I could be very fast, but this afternoon, from the beginning, I was unable to do significantly worse than the same time. Anyway, I'm pretty quiet because the performance of today is was determined by a choice of tires is not just good idea, maybe it would be better to opt for a soft rubber like other people did and I would have been too quick in the race simulation. However, I repeat, I'm not worried about going away from Malaysia and indeed very happy with the work done in these three days and also happy to change the track, because after six days of evidence in these two tests at the Sepang circuit I felt exhausted. "

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MotoGP Test Sepang: Rossi Australia disappointed

The ill-fated trip to Malaysia
no comfort in Valentine.
performance Ducati
far below expectations

was a risk that would go and this is what happened. Accomplice to a rich dose of misfortune that left the whole day yesterday Rossi in bed with fever. And in these cases, when the work to be done is enormous, skip a day of testing is not exactly the most desirable event. Turn the page. To date, the combination Rossi - Ducati did not shine and that worries a bit 'all but the fact remains that it was known that the road Valentino was uphill. Perhaps not envisioned that the climb was so steep. Here are his statements: " We can not be satisfied with these tests because we have not achieved what we wanted, or close around the sixth and above with a gap smaller. Instead we are in a second and eight, and as we step back. The first day we thought we could do, we started well and we managed to get the bike to work even with the hard tires, a good thing. But then we have made progress. If as regards the electronic part of the bike we have good ideas and we can solve problems quickly, with regard to the mechanical and assets are not so sure. We tried, but we did . Valentino Even open-heart surgery: "Even if I stop strong then I find it hard to turn, I can not be fast in the center curve and take advantage of the good track. Surely you have done only two days instead of three was a disadvantage because in the end, today we had to chase and last two hours we tried so many things to try to understand as much as possible. Something was going well but he started to drizzle and there have been no conditions to push . In these cases it is easy to criticize but by no means an objective view of things. To accompany the exciting challenge of his career there is also a rich dose of bad luck, list almost in alphabetical order. The key in these cases is not lose your head and do not rush the steps that need their time. It was immediately apparent that the sessions for the construction, development and evolution of the new GP11 need time and now, no need to hurry that time Valentino has quietly. Question: is not this also the additional cost in having at his side a teammate unable to report any form of progress instead of leading with the number 46 ?

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That's all, folks. Enjoy!

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SBK Test: Aprilia touches 317 km / h

The RSV4's Max Biaggi confirms
the most powerful straight-line

tomorrow's practice at Phillip Island mark the beginning of the 2011 World Superbike . Awaited. As for the test just completed, there is a curiosity about what is important to dwell: the top speed. And in this the Corsaro has confirmed a number, just like what Biaggi 'wear' in Hull during the next season. Looking at the rankings reported by Motosprint it can be noticed in the eighth and ninth Camier of Haga that even with the same bike pay about 7 km / h difference.

Here are the speed maximum observed during the four sessions of testing in testing at Phillip Island - Australia:

1. Biaggi (Aprilia) 317
2. Laverty (Yamaha) 312.5
3. Rea (Honda) 312.5
4. Melandri (Yamaha) 311.6
5. Sykes (Kawasaki) 309.8
6. Haslam (BMW) 309.8
7. Corser (BMW) 309.8
8. Camier (Aprilia) 309.8
9. Haga (Aprilia) 309.8
10. Yanagawa (Kawasaki) 307.1
11. Toseland (Bmw) 307.1
12. Lascorz (Kawasaki) 306.3
13. Guintoli (Ducati) 306.3
14. Fabrizio (Suzuki) 306.3
15. Badovini (Bmw) 305.4
16. Checa (Ducati) 303.7
17. Xaus (Honda) 301.1
18. Waters (Suzuki) 301.1
19. Aitchison (Kawasaki) 301.1
20. Berger (Ducati) 298.4
21. Staring (Kawasaki) 297.8
22. Rolfo (Kawasaki) 295.4

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Malaysia MotoGP Test: Honda gives wings

record time and constant performance.
Stoner and Pedrosa flying with ease,
Dovizioso and Simoncelli following suit ...
chase but others are not keeping pace.
Rossi with a fever, skip the second session
of evidence, but it falls far from the summit

Allarme rosso per tutti. La casa alata è l'avversario da battere. Questo almeno è quello che sta emergendo dai primi tre giorni di test a Sepang dove i piloti di casa Honda la stanno facendo da padrone. Qui non si tratta solo della realizzazione di buoni tempi e comunque superiori a quelli degli altri. Oggi sono stati fatti i record con i tempi di Stoner e Pedrosa al di sotto dei 2 minuti. L'ultima classifica aggiornata parla di quattro Honda nella 'Top five':

Sepang - Test Day 3 - Classifica ore 17.00

1  Stoner C.Repsol Honda Team 1:59.665
2 D. Pedrosa Repsol Honda Team +0138
3 M Simoncelli San Carlo Honda Gresini +0498
4 A. Dovizioso Repsol Honda Team +0876
5 Spies B. Yamaha Factory Racing +1013
6 C. Edwards Yamaha Tech 3 Monster +1301
7 J. Lorenzo Yamaha Factory Racing +1338
8 A. Bautista Rizla Suzuki MotoGP +1529
9 H. Aoyama San Carlo Honda Gresini +1663
Barbera H. Mapfre Aspar Team 10 +1681

chase or Other at least try to keep up but if we consider that Spies and Lorenzo are over 1300 'of disadvantage, we understand now that the recovery is at least complicated. A hair-raising performance are also Simoncelli and Dovizioso, confirming the growth of the whole package Honda , without distinction between HRC and customers. He will be happy Gresini . But while it is true that the official tests are not necessarily the implementation of a supertempo as the evidence of multiple technical solutions in optical race, it is equally true that to be so ahead in the process of 'testing' is certainly well hope on the validity of the structures tested. Everything is to imagine that HRC212V is now the bike to beat, and the impression is that this time the company is definitely within reach. Jorge Lorenzo and Ben Spies are always the first pursuers, although the gap still is thinking. It has been said that the reigning champion does not want to push, does not want to show all his cards as of now and if this was an exact theory would be quite crafty understanding that should be demonstrated. Topic Ducati . It should be made to act Valentino had started on the right foot with these tests. The physical recovery coincided perfectly with the recovery time on the track ... then fever yesterday that forced him to a forced rest, staying at the hotel. Another stop. Unfortunately, too many. She is currently doing record eleventh time but the point is another. Nicky Hayden is walk in and he's good, he knows the bike and never seems to be the game. Why? Repsol runs strong and stand at the window to enjoy the view certainly does not help!

What To Put On A Wedding Card

Superbike: Phillip Island GP - TV times in

Saturday, February 26 - La7
hours 4:55 - WSBK - Superpole
11:15 - WSBK - Superpole - replica

Sunday, February 27 - La7
hours 1:55 - WSBK - Race 1
hours 5:25 - WSBK - Race 2
hours 13:55 - WSBK - Race 1 - replica
hours 14:45 - WSBK - Race 2 - replica

1 hour: 55 - WSBK - Race 1
3:00 am - WSS - race
hours 5:25 - WSBK - Race 2
hours 8:25 - WSBK Race 2 - replica

Small Vessel Disease More Condition_symptoms

"Incorniciare" una finestra

Today I suddenly painter building to show how easy it is to draw, with Revit Architecture, a frame around a window.

tool that allows me to give body to my artistic talent is the Split area ".

invoke the command, I have to identify the area to edit (the host wall in this case), select it, and with the usual drawing tools in Revit Architecture draw the shape of the frame.

When the command should paint the surface with suitable material.

Et voila! It 's so ready my frame.