Saturday, February 6, 2010

What Causes Gallbladder Polyps

Volcano Mitrovica

A sense of helplessness and despondency assails us to hear the words of Father Andrei, monaco the Decani Monastery, a symbol of Kosovo and Metohija which is likely to be left to their fate by the decline of the Italian contingent, called for sacrifice Afghan leaders from NATO and the U.S.. His concern is equal to the tenacity with which the monas Tero will be defended, he says, will exist as long as even one Serb in the land of Lazar and Miloš.
The match will be played, according to even the head of the Italian contingent in Kosovo, Colonel Grasso, on 25 April, when there will be the enthronement of the new patriarch Irenej in the Pec Patriarchate, a few miles from Decani. That will be the time when the "independent" Kosovo, Kosovo is governed by former war criminals now in suit and tie, they will!, Considered reliable by the Western political world, will also prove to be "tolerant and democratic." We will succeed, we are ready to bet, but we must see what will happen when the lights are off and gone international delegations. The words of Colonel
are marked by a degree of calm, even strong arrival, he says, including contingents of the turkish.
Nobody seems to realize the weight that certain decisions have on the mood of minorities Serbian. Whether the Turks to ensure peace and security in a territory that it was dominated by the Turks for centuries, forcing the Serbian people still enormous sacrifices in memory of generations is, frankly, as yet another affront to the Serbs, who have already suffered, in recent years, in addition to the war, the slap to see your safety entrusted to the German contingent, which only in the Second World War, uniformed SS, has caused untold massacres. And in March 2004 when a pogrom was unleashed antiserbo by Albanians under the eyes "distracted" KFOR also German, this distrust of Serbia found fatally confirmation! But the real
thermometer of the situation is Kosovska Mitrovica north, where water and electricity continue to be rationed for the ongoing boycott of the Albanian south, which handles the flow.
"We're all armed!", We are told our friends in northern Mitrovica. Armed, waiting for the volcano explodes. Because the will of the EULEX mission to achieve at any cost the infamous Arthisaari plan, will never be accepted by the Serbs who do not want permanently detached from Belgrade. Why should this ever happen, even for the remaining Serbs in the ghettos of many lost and forgotten villages, will be the end. And with them will be the end for the Orthodox monasteries, many of them UNESCO, as Decani, Gracanica, Pec Patriarchate, and more ... Maybe they are not destroyed, but has already left the revisionism that will become the foundation stones, and improbable, cultures unorthodox, first of all, the Albanian Muslims. Ornaments for a tourism business run by the local mafia and the mid-lethal of many NGOs from the jeep's easy!
Meanwhile, contradictions emerge, but they do not seem to disrupt foreign policy choices that the international community continues to offer against the Serbs. In Kosovska Mitrovica north, a few meters from the bridge on the IBA, as the bridge on the Drina by Ivo Andric, has become a witness of the history between the two peoples, Albanian-owned shops con tanto di bandiere Usa e Uck e vecchi manifesti elettorali inneggianti agli “ex criminali” Haradinaj e Tachi, in un via vai di auto senza targa, con targa albanese, con targa serba, vedono tanti serbi fare spesa perché tutto costa meno. E si può pagare in dinari. Ancora a Mitrovica nord, il cimitero turco è intatto e libera è la visita ai defunti… a Mitrovica sud, il cimitero ortodosso è distrutto e per visitarlo si rischia la propria incolumità anche se scortati dalla nuova polizia kosovara, formata da ex militanti dell’Uck. Sempre a nord, un villaggio albanese vive in assoluta tranquillità e libertà di movimento proprio vicino al monastero ortodosso di Sokolica dove le monache non si oppongono certo alla visita di donne albanesi che chiedono grazia di fertilità. Percorrendo la strada che da Vranje, uno dei luoghi più bombardati dalla Nato, ti porta in Kosovo, poco prima delle nuove frontiere imposte dall’Eulex, un villaggio albanese mostra il profilo di minareti musulmani intatti, senza contingenti Kfor a protezione. Siamo in Serbia! Ma a Gračanica, i militari Kfor vigilano giorno e notte, coi loro mitra spianati, sul monastero e sulla comunità serba ghettizzata. Siamo in Kosovo!
Tutto questo mentre a Belgrado molti albanesi del Kosovo portano i propri figli a curare gravi malattie, gentile regalo delle bombe all’uranio impoverito, che non hanno fatto distinzioni. Letale equidistanza…
La sensazione che once again the will and political choices all Westerners are playing on the skin of poor people is strong. Just as the feeling that the volcano will explode soon. For this we need the mobilization of the cultural world of associations and not in collusion with these choices, so it was appealed by a bridge to ... for the protection of minorities and Serbian Orthodox monasteries (see: http://www . / sustain / petizione.php )
not underestimate the danger you are running in that land. The continuous blackmail
undergone by the Serbian government, which now requires even to join NATO, and it would be yet another provocation to the Serbian people to whom many condemn atavistic sense of persecution but, to read modern history and, it seems inevitable ... this really does not take into account continuous blackmail the pride of a people always avant-garde of Europe but always treated Europe as a bargaining chip on the market opportunism West.
Meanwhile, the 15 Serb families left in Belo polije, symbolized by the old Radomir that offers rakija boobies lips with a smile, despite the cancer that afflicts the elderly and despite his wife suffering from Parkinson's, do not even have enough wood to warm in the bitter Balkan winter. But who cares about their small, distant destiny everyday?